Rev. Dr. Thad S. Austin Ph.D.

Senior Director of Strategic Initiatives and Congregational Engagement, Duke University Award Winning Leadership Scholar | Pastor | Philanthropic Executive | Collaborative Relationship Builder | Strategic Planner | Service-Oriented Leader

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Rev. Dr. Thad Austin service-oriented leader passionate about formational, mission-driven institutions, their leaders, and the resources that animate their purpose. You can learn about Thad’s latest book Caring for Clergy at A seasoned executive with 15+ years experience in nonprofit organizations, including fundraising, strategic evaluation, creative problem solving, and building and managing agile, high-performing teams. He leads Strategic Initiatives and Congregational Engagement at Duke University’s Ormond Center. A graduate of the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy’s Ph.D. program, Thad is a speaker at national and international conferences and is an expert on faith-based fundraising, congregational social entrepreneurship, and the theology of charitable religious giving. Thad is the recipient of the Association for Research in Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action’s (ARNOVA) national Emerging Scholar Award. An ordained pastor, Thad has served parishes in Kentucky and in Tennessee. His last pastoral appointment was as Executive Pastor of a 3,200-member congregation. 

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Thad S. Austin